Конференції Національного Авіаційного Університету, AVIATION IN THE XXI-st CENTURY 2018

Розмір шрифту: 
Aviation security in a globalized environment
Leonid Vasilovic Chupriy

Остання редакція: 2018-11-09

Ключові файли

aviation safety, civil aviation, globalization, state policy.



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3. Novitsky G. V. Theoretical-legal bases of national security of Ukraine: Monograph. – K.: Intertekhnologiya, 2008. – P. 496.

4. Parakhonskiy. A., Zagorodnyuk V. Humanization of science. Strategy of the intellectual development of Ukraine. – Ph. NISI. 1996. – P. 44.

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7. The state statistics service. Demographic and social statistics. // [Electronic resource]. Mode of access: http://www.ukrstat.gov.ua/

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9. Safety of flights and aviation safety// [Electronic resource]. Mode of access: https://stud.com.ua/16031/pravo/bezpeka_polotiv_aviatsiyna_bezpeka